GB3 Documents

GB3’s three contractually binding documents for property owners on Talbrock Circle include the Articles of Incorporation, Code of Regulations, and the Declaration of Covenants, Easements, Restrictions, and Assessment Lien. The Declaration of CERAL, known commonly as the deed restrictions, is the document that directly affects homeowners the most, particularly Sections 2, 5, 6, and 10. It contains rules, guidelines, and restrictions regarding the following: responsibilities for property maintenance and repair, including driveway pavements; uses of the property; structural changes (fences, decks, sheds, etc.); exterior appearances (color modifications); satellite dishes; vehicle registration and maintenance; and assessments and penalties.

A fourth important document, a February 2009 amendment to the Declaration of CERAL, requires all housing units on Talbrock Circle to be owner occupied, not leased to tenants and/or used as investment property. The amendment does have a “hardship” provision that grants temporary exemption to the leasing restriction due to special circumstances.

Other documents of interest for GB3 members include the following: